December 10, 2010
Blog post 15: Reflection
I found the first paper (the advertisement paper) very interesting brcause I myself learned new things while searching for the advertisements.
2) What was the one assignment that made you learn something about something? What was that "something" you learned?
While doing the advertisement paper I learned about the hegemonic masculinity and what it is. where it started and other types such as the metrosexual tyoe.
3) What was the one assignment that you did not care for? why?
The assignment I didnt like was the 2nd research becausce I was struggling with finding the sources that would be help with the reading from class that i chose. I changed the reading used as a source 3 times.
4) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?
Yes!, I think blogger was a very useful tool for the class. In ways that you could see others classmates paper comments to what they think about your paper help you build your paper and make improvements.
5.) Describe one kind of assignment or task that we did NOT do that you either did on your own (say, customizing your blog, adding gadgets), OR an assignment you would have liked to have done, or a TYPE of assignment you would have liked to have done more of?
The adertisement paper and the research paper 1 were interesting and actually fun to do. I would have liked some sort of paper simailar to those two as the research paper 2.
Final Draft Research Paper 2
English 101 0800
Final Draft Research Paper 2
Men have the most advantages in female professions which is slowly destroying the stereotypes of men in female professions.Studies from the web source have shown that wage discrimination favors males.Blog shows how men are succeeding in the nursing profession and historic events that led nursing to the profession it is today. The reading “hidden advantages” by Christine L Williams gives points on the advantages men have in female professions. Its about how men have the advantages women don’t even in traditionally female jobs.
From the very start women were only seen nurses, later seen as a female profession. As mentioned in the “Male Nurse” blog, only women were seen as “natural caregivers from birth”. Even before nursing was considered a career, men was already involved in the care giving role. “The first school of nursing, founded around 250 B.C. in India only accepted men” is written in the blog. So before the care giving role was a profession men were already involved since they were the first ones who were taught in nursing schools. The role of being a care giving nurse was actually first thought to be only to for men to do. Giving the privileges that men have always had, only men were thought to be “pure enough to touch patients, women were not”. Shows how women were in a disadvantage point since the beginning. Past historic event show how men have been succeeding in the nursing job. “Christian brotherhood of the early church” practice nursing. In the military since men were the ones in battlefields they were the ones to take care if the wounded. This however is still in effect today, shown in the blog that “Across the army, Navy and the air force, men are approximately 30-40% of the nursing population”. Men are growing into the nursing career and becoming more involved. What is to say about the years to come with the population of men in nursing increasing.
Studies show that both men and women suffer from gender discrimination when hiring. There are always new advantages for men to progress in the female professions. Leanne E. Atwater writes in the web publication “as women enter the work force and predominate in certain jobs, we could expect new ceiling to emerge for males”. Meaning the more women succeeded in jobs more advantages for men shall be created as an outcome. Those are the bias that is used against women privileging men. Men that go for management in female jobs have more privileges than women even its a traditionally female job. This fast is shown in the publication “Males will be allocated higher salaries than females when they are selected as the choice applicant for a top-level management position in a traditionally female jobs”.In the publication two studies show “that males were likely to be offered higher initial salaries than comparably qualified females”.Men have the privilege of being paid more even if females have the same qualification. Men receiving more money affect their masculinity “money is masculinity”
Advantages is what men have over in women even in women occupied jobs. In the reading “The Glass Escalator” by Christine L. Williams it says “men were told by recruiters there were special advancement opportunities for men in these fields, and they entered them expecting rapid promotion to administrative positions”. Right off the back before even getting the job men knew there advantages they had. Being seen in a female gendered job is bad for their image so they receive special privileges for just being a man. Librarian is considered a female profession but a interview shown in the reading says “would hire a male over a female”(Williams 213). So more men would go for job in the library because they know that they have a better chance of being hired than a woman would, given its a female job. Better chance of men being hired will also increase the popularity of men working as librarians. Having more men as librarians will cause the stereotypes about men as librarians to fade away. These advantages men have is so they can move forward, getting into a higher positions. This way stereotyping wouldn't be considered because the men in the female professions exceed into a greater job than just the ordinary job women can achieve.
Studies show wages and hiring conflicts in gendered typed professions favor men.Historic events have done the same in favoring men. Men competing in female professions may be affect their masculine image but with the advantages and privileges they receive, they are sure to progress well in women occupied jobs.Men being more involved in female jobs will ultiumitly lead to the fading of the stereotypes that affect men’s masculinity when seen in female professions.
Work Citied
Williams, Christine L. “The Glass Escalator:Hidden advantages for Men in the “Female” professions”. Men lives. 5th edition (2001): 211-224
"Male Nurses Men in the Nursing Profession". "lucida grande"MNU. 27 Jan. 2010. Young Lion Incorporated. 2 Dec. 2010.
Atwater, Leanne E. . Van Fleet, David D. . "Another ceiling?Can males compete for traditionally female jobs?." Business Publications. Sept.-Oct. 2007 . Business Publications. 2 Dec. 2010.
Research paper 1st draft
English 101 0800
Men have the most advantages in female professions which is slowly destroying the stereotypes of men in female professions.Studies have show that wage discrimination favors males.Blog shows how men are succeeding in the nursing profession. The reading “hidden advantages” by Christine L Williams gives points on the advantages men have in female professions.
From the very start women were only seen nurses, later seen as a female profession. As mentioned in the “Male Nurse” blog, only women were seen as “natural caregivers from birth”. Even before nursing was considered a career, men was already involved in the care giving role. “The first school of nursing, founded around 250 B.C. in India only accepted men” is written in the blog. So before the care giving role was a profession men were already involved since they were the first ones who were taught in nursing schools. The role of being a care giving nurse was actually first thought to be only to for men to do. Giving the privileges that men have always had, only men were thought to be “pure enough to touch patients, women were not”. Shows how women were in a disadvantage point since the beginning. Past historic event show how men have been succeeding in the nursing job. “Christian brotherhood of the early church” practice nursing. In the military since men were the ones in battlefields they were the ones to take care if the wounded. This however is still in effect today, shown in the blog that “Across the army, Navy and the air force, men are approximately 30-40% of the nursing population”.
Studies show that both men and women suffer from gender discrimination when hiring. There are always new advantages for men to progress in the female professions. Leanne E. Atwater writes in the web publication “as women enter the work force and predominate in certain jobs, we could expect new ceiling to emerge for males”. Meaning the more women succeeded in jobs more advantages for men shall be created as an outcome. Those are the bias that is used against women privileging men. In the publication two studies show “that males were likely to be offered higher initial salaries than comparably qualified females”.Men have the privilege of being paid more even if females have the same qualification. Men receiving more money affect their masculinity “money is masculinity”
Advantages is what men have over in women even in women occupied jobs. In the reading “The Glass Escalator” by Christine L. Williams it says “men were told by recruiters there were special advancement opportunities for men in these fields, and they entered them expecting rapid promotion to administrative positions”. Right off the back before even getting the job men knew there advantages they had. Being seen in a female gendered job is bad for their image so they receive special privileges for just being a man. These advantages they had is so they can move forward, getting into a higher position. This way stereotyping wouldn't be considered because the men in the female professions exceed into a greater job than just the ordinary job women can achieve.
Studies show wages and hiring conflicts in gendered typed professions favor men.Historic events have done the same in favoring men. Men competing in female professions may be affect their masculine image but with the advantages and privileges they receive they progress well in women occupied jobs.
Work Citied
Williams, Christine L. “The Glass Escalator:Hidden advantages for Men in the “Female” professions”. Men lives. 5th edition (2001): 211-224
"Male Nurses Men in the Nursing Profession". "lucida grande"MNU. 27 Jan. 2010. Young Lion Incorporated. 2 Dec. 2010.
Atwater, Leanne E. . Van Fleet, David D. . "Another ceiling?Can males compete for traditionally female jobs?." Business Publications. Sept.-Oct. 2007 . Business Publications. 2 Dec. 2010.
December 2, 2010
Annotated Bibliography Research paper 2
"Male Nurses Men in the Nursing Profession". "lucida grande"MNU. 27 Jan. 2010. Young Lion Incorporated. 2 Dec. 2010.
Summary: The article talks about men in nusring profesions.How men started to be nurses and how it was viewed. Explaining why women where only seen as nurses.also gives a little history of when nurses were only women's role till it started changing and more men became nurses. Gives the population of male murses in the military.
Assessment: The is appropiate because it talks about males progessing in a female profession.A very useful source about men entering the nursing profession and how the stereotypes is fading away.The soucre is biasis.
Reflection: The source helped me shape the thesis.The article mentions that centuries ago women were th care giving type for the job so women took the role as a nurse. Although women occupated the nursing roles over time men started to get more involved. Nursing was seen as a women profesion. These are the ideas that I will use in the paper and it is backed up with dates on historical events.
Atwater, Leanne E. . Van Fleet, David D. . "Another ceiling?Can males compete for traditionally female jobs?." Business Publications. Sept.-Oct. 2007 . Business Publications. 2 Dec. 2010.
Summary: The articles talks about how man are perfered in certain jobs ad how it can be biased againist women.Also shows salaries for male having the higher percantage. Talks about what jobs are seen as female jobs and how masculinity can be affected when men are seen in these type of jobs.
Assessment: its appropiate because it displays information on male in female profesions and the advantages. it shows gender type jobs and studies made.A useful srouce to prove mah thesis on men stereotypes being destroyed by advances in female profesions.
Reflection: The source helps me because it mentions dha jobs that perfer men and the advantages backed up with research. its all backed up with studies done from the public. More percentage of men in female profesions and advancing are destroying the stereotypes that affect mens masculinity in the work force today. This impformation helps me prove my point.
November 19, 2010
Quick Write: Pregnant Men in Okada's "Future Plan #2" and Coltrane's "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradicitons, and Dilemmas"
Research paper 2 Proposal
English 101
Proposal and thesis
I chose to write about the double binds of masculinity. I will use the "gentlemen or beast" readings by Susan Bordo. I agree with Bordo on how she descirbes about the double binds that may confuse men into being the gentleman or the beast.Society sees man as the dominant person because of doninance men can be seen as predators.
In todays society there are things that require for man to be either aggressive(tough) or sensitive(soft), which that may lead to confusion for most men. THey wont be able to tell if the situation makes them into the "gentleman or beast".
I will use the reading as a source and find more source in the CUNY catalog at the library.I will consider books as well on double binds of masculinity, how men can be hurt from the required social attitude. References that can found at a library.
November 15, 2010
final draft research paper 1
Ever since the three piece was invented money played a role with it. In esquire September issue, a suit, vest, shirt and tie is shown on the page followed by a little article. To the side is a list showing prices of all the items in the picture. All the items range prices from four hundred to as much as three thousand dollars worth. That is the price for wearing an item that puts you in the masculine form that this year is advertising that means to be that form of masculine, you must have money.In Theroux writing "The Male Myth", he says "moneys is masculinity" This means to be masculine you be able to pay the price it comes with. In the article its says about Ermenegildo Zegna celebrating their 100TH anniversary. So far this advertisement they show a new suit with the same look as when the fabric was first made. Coming from another source a review by Albert J. Schmidt on to two of the “three piece suit and modern masculinity” book states that “the stuff had to properly masculine, politically necessary, socially useful, ethically neutral and economically beneficial. During this era when the three was made, masculinity was defined by “hierarchy, monarchy Anglicanism and mercantilism. Basically all those who had power, respect and wealth. That followed the idea of the three suit to present time shown in prices. Being able to pay for a well made quality suit. Only different is that now on their “100th anniversary” they have a suit that weighs almost as much as they first before.In the article by Esquire they quote "heritage is best worn lightly.So its like trying to give a message that this look was masculine before and is again this year's style of masculinity.
People in general are always trying to keep up with the latest style in fashion, advertisements provide that for them with help from people who work in the fashion industry. In a article on style from the August issue by Esquire, it displays a series of questions and answers. The questions are people of the public towards the Esquire fashion director. Basically asking for tips and advice on how to dress formal. This is way of showing the masculinity type that people now days are using. It discusses on what suit type are out of style. What kinds of shirt striped goes well with what suit is also discussed. The director also mentions what colors of shoes pair up with different colors of suits and what is appropriate for attorneys to wear in court. The director also gives his opinions of what he would wear. Kevin Rousu from Chicago ask about what stylish bag to use instead of backpacks or gym bags . This all puts out an idea that people everywhere are trying to keep up to date with the style on how to dress. Its ironic because people now are even replacing backpacks and gym bags for a stylish overnight leather bag for simple weekend trip. Another source Ive researched is the “dress shits that display masculinity” article written by Hendrik Pohl which provides with information on what is fashion. People will read his info given because hes a fashion writer and the founder of the bows and tires site with dress code tips and intsructions. Hendrik describes formal as “beyond casual such as semi formal, which is most often evening wear to formal, special occasions”. Both articles shows the viewers how people are dressing with suit, tie and shoes. The masculinity type being advertised everywhere this year.
Companies need to keep up to date just as much as people of the public because they sell the products so its all competition. Style changes often that is why in order for companies to succeed they have to improve their profit and add products to their market. Style is shown in a ad with a article in the October issue by Esquire. In the ad there is a man dressed in a suit, shirt and scarf with words at the side saying "places you can buy it it all"(93). This shows that its a place where you can buy everything shown in the ad and more that is in style. Under the ad is a small article explains the one stop Ralph Lauren experience it use to be, a place where you can find all kinds of neckties. That was all put to an end because now as the article explains how they’ve improved their company by starting to sell more products than just a simply ties. "Ralph Lauren goods since 1986"(93) quoted in the article and now they’ve made their company better by making into a "one stop shop"(93). Its a head to toe, workday to weekend, a luxury of convenience"(93). Basically giving the idea everything you want in order to dress in style could be found in this place. There is also another idea, the company "Ralph Lauren experience” must have realized the style that is now most commonly used and at the same time is being advertised almost everywhere. So realizing that they transformed their all tie product place into a "one stop shop" store, because the masculinity advertised this year is the style dress up suit.
People always ask for someone else opinion on how they look. Recommendations are always comforting, especially when receiving recommendations from someone who knows style history and the up to date look in fashion. On the March issue from Esquire, articles displaying recommendations and truths of men’s style as well as a chart displaying "The most stylish men of all time"(115). The recommendations show what men should wear for their basic style needs. A suit is shown first as for the rest is the basic shoes, tie, watch, shirt and a jacket. To the side of that is a list of truths of men’s style, I agree with all ten. They all are tips on what to do and what to avoid doing. That is the way of style. On the next page a chart is shown with men that were the most stylish during their time. The chart shows that style has changed slightly as time has progressed. Giani Agnelli lesson is quite interesting, He says "Only when you know the rules can you begin breaking them little by little , one by one and only then can you be said to possess style"(115). I agree with his quote because as time progressed style has changed and now masculinity focuses on how men are thought to be, the masculine form.This leads to the message the article is putting out, the type of masculinity men should be and style is that form of masculine.
As you can see these articles are all saying the same thing aside from advertising the same products they want men to dress in that form of masculine. Ads are for people to keep track of style, so they can buy their products. Aside from the ads and articles, every issue mentioned in this essay has a famous man wear a suit on the cover on the magazine for that month. All this shows how people see the masculinity type this years advertising; the dress code.
work cited
Bardem, Javier."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.3.Oct.2010: 93
Impossible,the."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.1.Aug.2010: 56
Franco, James."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.2.Sept.2010: 89
Caprio, Leo."Style".Esquire.volume153NO.3.Mar2010: 114-115
Schidt,Albert j.."The three piece suit and modern masculinity".Journal of social history.(2004).14 Nov.2010
Pohl, Hendrik.”Dress shirts that diplay masculinity” Nov.2010
November 12, 2010
worst date
first draft research paper
In esquire september issue, a ssuit, vest, shirt and tie is shown on the page followed by alittle article. To the side is a list showing prices of all the items in the picture. AL the items range prices from four hundred to as much as three thousand dollars worth. that is the price for wearing an item that puts yoou in the masculine form that this year is advertising that means to be that form of masculine, you must have money.In theroux writing "The Male Myth", he says "moneys is masculinity" This means to be masculine you be able to pay the price it comes with. In the article its says about Ermenegildo zegna celebrating their 100th anniverasy. its about hertiage to weaar men's style, so far this advertisment they show a new suit with the same look as when the fabric was first made. Only different is that now on their 100th anniversary they have a suit that weighs almost as much as they first before.At the end of the article they quote "heritage is best worn lightly.So its like trying to give a message that this look was masculine before and is again this year's style of masculinity.
In a article on style from the August issue by Esquire, it displays a series of questions and answers. The questions are people of the public towards the Esquire fashion director. Basically asking for tips and advice on how to dress formal. This is way of showing the masculinity type that people now days are using. It discusses on what suit type are out of style. What kinds of shirt striped goes well with what suit is also discussed. The director also mentions what colors of shoes pair up with different colors of suits and what is appropriate for attorneys to wear in court. The director also gives his opinions of what he would wear. kevun Rousu from chicago ask about what stylish bag to use instead of backpacks or gym bags . This all puts out an idea that people everywhere are trying to keep up to date with the style on how to dress. Its ironic because people now are even replacing backpacks and gym bags for a stylish overnight leather bag for simple weekend trip. the articles shows the viewers how people are dressing with suit, tie and shoes. The masculinity type being advertised everywhere this year.
Style is shown in a ad with a article in the October issue by Esquire. In the ad there is a man dressed in a suit, shirt and scarf with words at the side saying "places you can buy it it all". This shows that its a place where you can buy everything shown in the ad and more that is in style. Under the ad is a small article explains the one stop Ralph lauren experience it use to be, a place where you can find all kinds of neckties. That was all put to an end because now as the article explains how theyve improved their company by starting to sell more products than just a simply ties. "Ralph Lauren goods since 1986" quoted in the article and now theyve made their company better by making into a "one stop shop"(93). Its a head to toe, workday to weekend, a luxury of convenience"(93). Basically giving the idea everything you want in order to dress in style could be found in this place. There is also another idea, the company "Ralph Lauren experience must have realized the style that is now most commonly used and at the same time is being advertised almost everywhere. So realizing that they transformed their all tie product place into a "one stop shop" store, because the masculinity advertised this year is the style dress up suit.
On the March issue from Esquire, articles displaying recommendations and truths of mens style as well as a chart displaying "The most stylish men of all time". The recommendations show what men should wear for their basic stle needs. A suit is shown first as for the rest is the basic shos, tie, watch, shirt and a jacket. To the side of that is a list of truths of mens style, I agree with all ten. they all are tips on what to do and what to avoid doing. That is the way of style. On the next page a chart is shown with men that were the most stylish during their time. The chart shows that style has changed slightly as time has progressed. Giani Agnelli lesson is quite interesting, He says "Only when you know the rules can you begin breaking them little by little , one by one and only then can you be said to possess style". I agree with his quote because as time progressed style has changed and now masculinity focuses on how men are thought to be, the masculine form.This leads to the message the article is putting out, the type of masculinity men should be and style is that form of masculine.
As you can see these articles are all saying the same thing aside from advertising the same products they want men to dress in that form of masculine. Aside from the ads and articles, every issue mentioned in this essay has a famous man wear a suit on the cover on the magazine for that month. All this shows how people see the masculinity type this years adertvising; the dress code.
work citied
Bardem,Javier."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.3.Oct.2010: 93
Impossible,the."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.1.Aug.2010: 56
Franco,James."Style".Esquire.volume154NO.2.Sept.2010: 89
Caprio,Leo."Style".Esquire.volume153NO.3.Mar2010: 114-115
Schidt,Albert j.."The three piece suit and modern masculinity".Journal of social history.(2004).14 Nov.2010
November 5, 2010
blog post # 8
The male characters cover each others back and are always getting the crowds attention.Towards females the main characters they gather the most attention from the girl they chose to be with for the night.These behaviors are masculine because they are always out in a wedding ti get a new girl and is different every time.
The movie places moore emphasis of the relationship between the male and female because their relationship effects on the male friend relationships.
The idea is if that you should reach out towards true love and fight for it.
Work citied
"The Wedding Crashers".Dir.David Dobkin.Perf.Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn.DVD.New Line Home Entertainment,2005
October 15, 2010
Annotated bibliography
English 101
Thompson, Fred. "Gucci an the Amercian Man". Esquire, vol 149 issue 9(April 2008)pg61-64
In the article, Fred Thompson was spotted in the Iowa state fair in gucci loafers. The media made a big disscussion out of it because of his shoes, named him “the Gucci candidate”. Mentioned about him being rich and being Hollywood and even about being a little bit glamorous.
Quick write: In respond to Bordo's chapter
October 8, 2010
Final Draft
Advertisements now days are creative, always find new way to gather a viewers
attention into wanting a product they don’t really need. To gather a viewers attention men that are posted on advertisements are often hegemonic. Hegemonic is the more masculine form used now days in order to attracted men to their products being advertised. The "old spice" advertisement gives off a good example, advertised by the NFL advertising body wash, body spray and deodorant. Showing a NFL player gives off an idea of how they use men to advertise their products. Most men idolize a pro football player, they aren’t thought to be not confident or embarrassed or emotional. Having a Star player expresses intimidation while advertising and putting his confidence on the product.
A star football player is what most men would want to be, being famous and the money and the respect all comes to mind when thinking about being a pro football player as well as the benefits. In present time most people think money and respect means power and famous is being known, the characteristics of being dominant. Dominant is what people believe to be as hegemonic masculinity. This is how the football player is advertising the products. The image urges the viewer into wanting the product because if a star player uses the product than it must work really well. It gets the viewer thinking that since a pro sports player is advertising these products than “old spice” must be for all sports players who want to shine as a star player from the NFL would. The NFL player also shows aggressiveness in the advertisement that leads to how he expresses his thought on the product in the setting he advertises in.
The setting the ad is advertised in is in a shower with water falling on the player, with bubbles covering his whole body up while in his football gear. The player is in full gear to show a point that he’s ready for another game. That shows his confidence on the product and not embarrassed to prove it in a shower with the product. This is how football are taught and trained to be, they’re are not suppose to be embarrassed or not confident or emotional. Reason being is because on the field to them winning is all that matters, nothing else matters. They are trained to ruthless and as aggressive as possible and taught to win by any means necessary, another example of the hegemonic masculinity shown on this advertisement. The player simple facial expression and body posture also expresses how he’s feeling about the product.
The player is positioned in a intimidating way while advertising the products. Facial expression shows it all, he has a mean look on and yelling out. It looks as if he was facing a crowd and yelling towards them. Showing that he’s fearless expresses that he confident and raising his left arm up into the air shows his self-reliance with lack of emotion. With all of this football players are suppose to intimidate their rivals to surpass them, this shows their strength. His right hand lifted into air is to try and prove his point that the product he’s advertising works. The player being part of the NFL also shows words under the ad saying “Greatest smell in the NFL”. This shows a convincing idea that all players in the NFL use the product than people who want to be as masculine as them should buy the product. The player uses his expression to show that the product works and at the same time trying to convince viewers into buying the product. Since the player shows aggression, it puts a point out that the look could argue against any doubts on the product.
To the catch the viewers attention in this advertisement, the NFL used one of their
players to focus on men into buying the product. You can tell the player shows his
confidence, strength, self-reliance, intimidation, and aggression just by looking at the advertisement, it’s what considered the dominant ways of being a man in present time society. This is the masculinity that most men aim towards, the hegemonic masculinity. Not the most commonly found but the most socially endorsed.
Work citied
Old Spice.Advertisement.Game Informer.Issue 210,October 2010:Page 85.Print
October 1, 2010
Advertisements creative, always find new way to gather a viewers attention into wanting a product they don’t really need. To gather a viewers attention men that are posted on advertisements are often hegemonic. Hegemonic is the more masculinity used now days in order to attracted men to their products being advertised. The "old spice" advertisement gives off a good example, advertised by the NFL advertising body was body spray and deodorant. Showing a NFL player gives off an idea of how they use men to advertise their products.Most men idolize a pro football player, they aren’t thought to be not confident or embarrassed or emotional. Having a Star player expresses intimidation while advertising and putting his confidence on the product.
Star football player is what most men would want to be, being famous and the money and the respect all comes to mind when thinking about being a pro football player as well as the benefits. In present time most people think money and respect means power and famous is being known, the characteristic's of being dominant. Dominant is what people believe to as hegemonic masculinity. This is how the football player is advertising the products.It gets the viewer thinking that since a pro sports player is advertising these products than “old spice” must be for all sports players who want to shine as a star player from the NFL would. The NFL player also shows aggressiveness in the advertisement that leads to how he expresses his thought on the product in the setting he advertises in.
The setting the ad is advertised is in a shower with water falling on the player, with bubbles covering his whole body up while in his football gear. The player is in full gear to shows a point that he’s ready for another game. That shows his confidence on the product and not embarrassed to prove it in a shower with the product. This is how football are taught and trained to be, they’re are not suppose to be embarrassed or not confident or emotional. Reason being is because on the field to them winning is all that matters, nothing else matters. They are trained to ruthless and as aggressive as possible and taught to win by any means necessary, another example of the hegemonic masculinity shown on this advertisement. The player simple facial expression and body posture also expresses how he’s feeling about the product.
The player is positioned in a intimidating way while advertising the products. Facial expression shows it all, he had a mean look on and yelling out. Looks as if he was facing a crowd and yelling towards them. Showing that he’s fearless expresses that he confident and raising his left arm up into the air shows his self-reliance with lack of emotion. His right hand lifted into air is to try and prove his point that the product he’s advertising works. The player being part of the NFL also shows words under the ad saying “Greatest smell in the NFL”. This shows a convincing ideal that all players in the NFL use the product than people who wanna be as masculine as them should buy the product. The player uses his expression to show that the product works and at the same time trying to convince viewers into buying the product. Since the player shows aggression it puts a point out that the look could argue against any doubts on the product.
NFL used one of their players to focus on men into buying the product. You can tell the player shows his confidence, strength, self-reliance, intimidation, and aggression just by looking at the advertisement, its what considered the dominant ways of being a man in present time society. This is the masculinity that most men aim towards, the hegemonic masculinity.Not the most commonly found but the most socially endorsed.
September 24, 2010
Outline for 1st paper and analysis
Supporting point 1: NFL players are hegemonic to many men.
example: NFL player advertising a product.
1) further detail: A NFL footplayer is what most guys would want to be for the fame, money, power and respect and benefits they get.
2)furhter detail: Makes an ideal that a star players uses the product than all people who play sports should use the product. the ad expresses an ideal that the product is more sports player who want to shine not just when playing but also out the playing field and smell and look appealing just as a NFL player is.
analysis: The NFL player in the image is in a pose of yelling out loud. It catches the viewer attention onto the product.
Supporting point: Football players are not suppose to be embrassed or unconfident or emotional.
example: The background shows that the star player isnt embrassed into proving his point. Shows that he's confident in the product being advertised. He's shows aggression to convince others into buying hios product.
1) further point: the background is in bathroom shower with the shower on, with falling water onto the player.
2) further point: The player is all covered up in bubbles,not embrassed in advertising that he used the prouct.
analysis: The NFL player isnt afraid to advertised the prouct in a convincing way to would make viewers think that if a star players uses the product than the product must really be good and this would lead onto the viewer wanting the product. The stars players aggression look would agrue against any doubts on the prouct.
Supporting point: The footplayer is positioned in a intimidating way advertising the product.
example: Expresses intimidation through his facial expression.
1) futher detail: He's faced up as if looking towards a crowd and at the same time shows aggression and confedince.
2) futher detail: His right arm is lifted into the air argueing to prove his point that the product being advertised really works.
analysis: Hes trying to show that the product works using his expressions and at the same time trying to convince viewers into buying the product.