December 10, 2010

Final Draft Research Paper 2

Bryan Navarro
English 101 0800
Final Draft Research Paper 2

Men have the most advantages in female professions which is slowly destroying the stereotypes of men in female professions.Studies from the web source have shown that wage discrimination favors males.Blog shows how men are succeeding in the nursing profession and historic events that led nursing to the profession it is today. The reading “hidden advantages” by Christine L Williams gives points on the advantages men have in female professions. Its about how men have the advantages women don’t even in traditionally female jobs.

From the very start women were only seen nurses, later seen as a female profession. As mentioned in the “Male Nurse” blog, only women were seen as “natural caregivers from birth”. Even before nursing was considered a career, men was already involved in the care giving role. “The first school of nursing, founded around 250 B.C. in India only accepted men” is written in the blog. So before the care giving role was a profession men were already involved since they were the first ones who were taught in nursing schools. The role of being a care giving nurse was actually first thought to be only to for men to do. Giving the privileges that men have always had, only men were thought to be “pure enough to touch patients, women were not”. Shows how women were in a disadvantage point since the beginning. Past historic event show how men have been succeeding in the nursing job. “Christian brotherhood of the early church” practice nursing. In the military since men were the ones in battlefields they were the ones to take care if the wounded. This however is still in effect today, shown in the blog that “Across the army, Navy and the air force, men are approximately 30-40% of the nursing population”. Men are growing into the nursing career and becoming more involved. What is to say about the years to come with the population of men in nursing increasing.

Studies show that both men and women suffer from gender discrimination when hiring. There are always new advantages for men to progress in the female professions. Leanne E. Atwater writes in the web publication “as women enter the work force and predominate in certain jobs, we could expect new ceiling to emerge for males”. Meaning the more women succeeded in jobs more advantages for men shall be created as an outcome. Those are the bias that is used against women privileging men. Men that go for management in female jobs have more privileges than women even its a traditionally female job. This fast is shown in the publication “Males will be allocated higher salaries than females when they are selected as the choice applicant for a top-level management position in a traditionally female jobs”.In the publication two studies show “that males were likely to be offered higher initial salaries than comparably qualified females”.Men have the privilege of being paid more even if females have the same qualification. Men receiving more money affect their masculinity “money is masculinity”

Advantages is what men have over in women even in women occupied jobs. In the reading “The Glass Escalator” by Christine L. Williams it says “men were told by recruiters there were special advancement opportunities for men in these fields, and they entered them expecting rapid promotion to administrative positions”. Right off the back before even getting the job men knew there advantages they had. Being seen in a female gendered job is bad for their image so they receive special privileges for just being a man. Librarian is considered a female profession but a interview shown in the reading says “would hire a male over a female”(Williams 213). So more men would go for job in the library because they know that they have a better chance of being hired than a woman would, given its a female job. Better chance of men being hired will also increase the popularity of men working as librarians. Having more men as librarians will cause the stereotypes about men as librarians to fade away. These advantages men have is so they can move forward, getting into a higher positions. This way stereotyping wouldn't be considered because the men in the female professions exceed into a greater job than just the ordinary job women can achieve.

Studies show wages and hiring conflicts in gendered typed professions favor men.Historic events have done the same in favoring men. Men competing in female professions may be affect their masculine image but with the advantages and privileges they receive, they are sure to progress well in women occupied jobs.Men being more involved in female jobs will ultiumitly lead to the fading of the stereotypes that affect men’s masculinity when seen in female professions.
Work Citied

Williams, Christine L. “The Glass Escalator:Hidden advantages for Men in the “Female” professions”. Men lives. 5th edition (2001): 211-224

"Male Nurses Men in the Nursing Profession". "lucida grande"MNU. 27 Jan. 2010. Young Lion Incorporated. 2 Dec. 2010.

Atwater, Leanne E. . Van Fleet, David D. . "Another ceiling?Can males compete for traditionally female jobs?." Business Publications. Sept.-Oct. 2007 . Business Publications. 2 Dec. 2010.

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