December 2, 2010

Annotated Bibliography Research paper 2

thesis: Men now days are competing in womenn occupated jobs in which is slowly destroying the stereotypes of men in female professions.

"Male Nurses Men in the Nursing Profession". "lucida grande"MNU. 27 Jan. 2010. Young Lion Incorporated. 2 Dec. 2010.

Summary: The article talks about men in nusring profesions.How men started to be nurses and how it was viewed. Explaining why women where only seen as nurses.also gives a little history of when nurses were only women's role till it started changing and more men became nurses. Gives the population of male murses in the military.

Assessment: The is appropiate because it talks about males progessing in a female profession.A very useful source about men entering the nursing profession and how the stereotypes is fading away.The soucre is biasis.

Reflection: The source helped me shape the thesis.The article mentions that centuries ago women were th care giving type for the job so women took the role as a nurse. Although women occupated the nursing roles over time men started to get more involved. Nursing was seen as a women profesion. These are the ideas that I will use in the paper and it is backed up with dates on historical events.

Atwater, Leanne E. . Van Fleet, David D. . "Another ceiling?Can males compete for traditionally female jobs?." Business Publications. Sept.-Oct. 2007 . Business Publications. 2 Dec. 2010.

Summary: The articles talks about how man are perfered in certain jobs ad how it can be biased againist women.Also shows salaries for male having the higher percantage. Talks about what jobs are seen as female jobs and how masculinity can be affected when men are seen in these type of jobs.

Assessment: its appropiate because it displays information on male in female profesions and the advantages. it shows gender type jobs and studies made.A useful srouce to prove mah thesis on men stereotypes being destroyed by advances in female profesions.

Reflection: The source helps me because it mentions dha jobs that perfer men and the advantages backed up with research. its all backed up with studies done from the public. More percentage of men in female profesions and advancing are destroying the stereotypes that affect mens masculinity in the work force today. This impformation helps me prove my point.

1 comment:

  1. These look like great sources. But this assignment is two class days late, which equals a deduction of four points. Make sure your documentations are correct and follow the MLA format. Also, you need to compose appropriate assessments. Lastly, you need to proofread your work and develop your reflections. I'll be grading this on Dec. 10.
