October 8, 2010

Final Draft

Masculinity In Advertisements

Advertisements now days are creative, always find new way to gather a viewers
attention into wanting a product they don’t really need. To gather a viewers attention men that are posted on advertisements are often hegemonic. Hegemonic is the more masculine form used now days in order to attracted men to their products being advertised. The "old spice" advertisement gives off a good example, advertised by the NFL advertising body wash, body spray and deodorant. Showing a NFL player gives off an idea of how they use men to advertise their products. Most men idolize a pro football player, they aren’t thought to be not confident or embarrassed or emotional. Having a Star player expresses intimidation while advertising and putting his confidence on the product.

A star football player is what most men would want to be, being famous and the money and the respect all comes to mind when thinking about being a pro football player as well as the benefits. In present time most people think money and respect means power and famous is being known, the characteristics of being dominant. Dominant is what people believe to be as hegemonic masculinity. This is how the football player is advertising the products. The image urges the viewer into wanting the product because if a star player uses the product than it must work really well. It gets the viewer thinking that since a pro sports player is advertising these products than “old spice” must be for all sports players who want to shine as a star player from the NFL would. The NFL player also shows aggressiveness in the advertisement that leads to how he expresses his thought on the product in the setting he advertises in.
The setting the ad is advertised in is in a shower with water falling on the player, with bubbles covering his whole body up while in his football gear. The player is in full gear to show a point that he’s ready for another game. That shows his confidence on the product and not embarrassed to prove it in a shower with the product. This is how football are taught and trained to be, they’re are not suppose to be embarrassed or not confident or emotional. Reason being is because on the field to them winning is all that matters, nothing else matters. They are trained to ruthless and as aggressive as possible and taught to win by any means necessary, another example of the hegemonic masculinity shown on this advertisement. The player simple facial expression and body posture also expresses how he’s feeling about the product.

The player is positioned in a intimidating way while advertising the products. Facial expression shows it all, he has a mean look on and yelling out. It looks as if he was facing a crowd and yelling towards them. Showing that he’s fearless expresses that he confident and raising his left arm up into the air shows his self-reliance with lack of emotion. With all of this football players are suppose to intimidate their rivals to surpass them, this shows their strength. His right hand lifted into air is to try and prove his point that the product he’s advertising works. The player being part of the NFL also shows words under the ad saying “Greatest smell in the NFL”. This shows a convincing idea that all players in the NFL use the product than people who want to be as masculine as them should buy the product. The player uses his expression to show that the product works and at the same time trying to convince viewers into buying the product. Since the player shows aggression, it puts a point out that the look could argue against any doubts on the product.

To the catch the viewers attention in this advertisement, the NFL used one of their
players to focus on men into buying the product. You can tell the player shows his
confidence, strength, self-reliance, intimidation, and aggression just by looking at the advertisement, it’s what considered the dominant ways of being a man in present time society. This is the masculinity that most men aim towards, the hegemonic masculinity. Not the most commonly found but the most socially endorsed.

Work citied

Old Spice.Advertisement.Game Informer.Issue 210,October 2010:Page 85.Print

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