September 17, 2010

Male Privilege Checklist

I'm giving my opinion on The Male Peivilege number 12 off the checklist: "If I have children and pursue a career, no on will think I'm selfish for not staying home." I strongly dissagree with this privilege, not staying home is selfish beacause all father should attend to their kids when they are neeeded the most. When kids are born they require for both parent to be present most of the time. Fathers not being home is selfish to the mothers and to the kids themselves. Kids will grow without seeing there fathers much and this could lead to future problems in the family.


  1. You raise a valid point about fathers who choose their career over family and how this impacts the mothers/wives as well as the children. But do you think that maybe fathers feel that it is their sole responsibility to provide for their children, wives, homes? Doesn't society emphasize to both men and women that a 'real' man provides for his family, i.e. food, clothes, shelter and protection? Maybe fathers fear they will appear 'unmasculine' if they give up a promotion by asking for more time off to spend with their children?

  2. Most men would think its unmasculine if they did give more time to their children rather than working but I think society might be changing because now days women are also doing mans work so now both parents provide for their family
    A quote on proverb quotes states "Any man could be a father, but it takes a speacial person to be a dad" which is basicly saying a dad is one who looks after their children and leads by eample, so not be there for them and not being home is very selfish.
    As an life example my parents friend is a business man who runs a company and is landload of many buldings but is still well connected to his children. Every sunday he cannot be located for business, thats his day dedicated to his family. My point is you can still purse a good career and at the same time be home for your family.
