September 24, 2010

Outline for 1st paper and analysis

Thesis: hegemonic is the more masculinity used now days. Men that are posted on advertisments that want to attract the attention of more men to their products are Hegemonic.

Supporting point 1: NFL players are hegemonic to many men.

example: NFL player advertising a product.

1) further detail: A NFL footplayer is what most guys would want to be for the fame, money, power and respect and benefits they get.

2)furhter detail: Makes an ideal that a star players uses the product than all people who play sports should use the product. the ad expresses an ideal that the product is more sports player who want to shine not just when playing but also out the playing field and smell and look appealing just as a NFL player is.

analysis: The NFL player in the image is in a pose of yelling out loud. It catches the viewer attention onto the product.

Supporting point: Football players are not suppose to be embrassed or unconfident or emotional.

example: The background shows that the star player isnt embrassed into proving his point. Shows that he's confident in the product being advertised. He's shows aggression to convince others into buying hios product.

1) further point: the background is in bathroom shower with the shower on, with falling water onto the player.

2) further point: The player is all covered up in bubbles,not embrassed in advertising that he used the prouct.

analysis: The NFL player isnt afraid to advertised the prouct in a convincing way to would make viewers think that if a star players uses the product than the product must really be good and this would lead onto the viewer wanting the product. The stars players aggression look would agrue against any doubts on the prouct.

Supporting point: The footplayer is positioned in a intimidating way advertising the product.

example: Expresses intimidation through his facial expression.

1) futher detail: He's faced up as if looking towards a crowd and at the same time shows aggression and confedince.

2) futher detail: His right arm is lifted into the air argueing to prove his point that the product being advertised really works.

analysis: Hes trying to show that the product works using his expressions and at the same time trying to convince viewers into buying the product.

September 17, 2010

Male Privilege Checklist

I'm giving my opinion on The Male Peivilege number 12 off the checklist: "If I have children and pursue a career, no on will think I'm selfish for not staying home." I strongly dissagree with this privilege, not staying home is selfish beacause all father should attend to their kids when they are neeeded the most. When kids are born they require for both parent to be present most of the time. Fathers not being home is selfish to the mothers and to the kids themselves. Kids will grow without seeing there fathers much and this could lead to future problems in the family.